Saturday, April 26, 2008

Home or Dorm?

From the first day i went into Ridzuan B13A08

I must sincerely say that i never consider it as a dormitory.
People might say:" well, are you in Dorm or are u at home now"

Seriously, i didnt separate it clearly because i tend to say
"i am at home now"(no matter where i was)
Then here comes a problem

When my mum call me and ask me where i was, i will say i am at home lo

"what? home?? i didnt see u here!!"
So, thats the problem, they thought i will never go back home again because i say my "dorm" as my "home".
Not because of the comfortable level of my bed back in Ridzuan
but its the relationship between us
Can u shout in ur unit everyday and every moment?
Can u close ur housemate light when he/she is in toilet?
Can u rush into any room of ur unit and pointed people with ur "gun"(thats what zhang usually do =_='')
Can u go and sleep in any one of seven bed in ur unit?
Can u go and type anything or use any laptops in ur unit?
Can u go to eat dinner with more than 4 peoples from ur unit?
Can u shout DIAM DIAM LA BUNG to anyone in ur unit?

Haha, pardon me if its wrong in some way

I am happy to have all chinese in my house
thats why i will call it home instead of dorm


Dailou said...

nice ....

Jing Hang said...

yeng...diam diam lah bung

zhang said...

i still do lots of thing in our unit loh...

u hav to explain clearly wat is tat "gun" leh...
if not others will misunderstand...

sN@iL0810 said...

gun=some part of the body

zhang said...

yea... hand!!!

using hand to make out a shape like gun...
very childish game...

Jun Sian said...

Haha.. U guys are SO YENG!!

Ying Xuan said...

cherish what you own
be happy with what is gifted to you