Sunday, April 27, 2008

Good or Bad??

Today, most of the members in B13A08 including the new member and two guests,
went to Genting for one day trip...
So left me (zhang), wei ren, snail, and jun sian...

The reasons why we din go~~
Jun Sian: he said wan to study. So rajin~~
Wei Ren: Not being informed... Too bad~~
Snail: Tired + long travel distance... Reasonable answer~~
Me (Zhang) : Being informed, but it's too late. Juz received dai lou's msg today morning~~

Actually i duno it's good or bad for me to not following the trip to Genting...
Bcoz i lov to travel, especially with friends...
Even though i hav been to Genting for so so so many times...
However, if i follow them to Genting, i will die on Monday...
Bcoz i hav so many undone assignments waiting for me...

Thus, i duno it's good or bad for not following the trip...

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