Monday, December 8, 2008

Reflect on dailou post

Friday == Metrotown OR Richmond OR Nice food OR Dota OR Badminton

Friday is the reinforcer of the whole week, thus it is a Fixed-interval schedule
Notice the red line in the chart.

Fixed-interval schedule: Reinforces a response only after a specified time has elapsed
It is a positive reinforcer where after a fair amount of time we will get a pleasant award (ie.Metrotown OR Richmond OR Nice food OR Dota OR Badminton)

So, whenever its going to be Friday, our mood will be good and there will be a rapid responding near the time for reinforcement. Instead of STM, our mindset will construct the idea as a Long Term Memory. It happens during our REM sleep. So whenever anyone of us suffering from sleep debt and cannot go into REM sleep deeply, he/she will have the problem of facing tiredness and failing to put his study into long term memory.

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