Monday, April 28, 2008

Nice trip

It was not that i left my hosemates behind, but we made the decision at 8.00p.m and we were in Genting Highland 12 hours later. Ming Zhen informed Snail and asked him to bring along Zhang if he wanted to go. I thought snail would inform Zhang about this but later i found that he didnt do so. That's y i messaged to Zhang at 1.00 a.m.

The next morning, 6.00 a.m, Ming Zheng telephoned Zhang again but he was still asleep.... So, SUAN LE BAH...

It is indeed a nice trip. We played almost all the outdoor activities and I would recommend u all to play Go Kart if u r there one day. It was nice! I refused to play the Spaceshot as well as the roller coster coz i didnt want my nice trip to be spoilt by these two activities. I would suffer for headache if i played them...

After that, we went to the SNOW WORLD!!! Oh, before that we get free entrance tickets for Lee Sheng Jie's showcase. However, we decided not to attend it coz asako said that he is not as handsome as JING HANG... Really????

We had a lot of fun in the Snow World. It was not as cold as we expected it to be (-6c). We took two photos before we leave. The best activities in Genting!!!

We went to Goh Tong Hall before we went home. We took a lot of photos with the statue of Ling Goh Tong. That's the end of our trip!!!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Good or Bad??

Today, most of the members in B13A08 including the new member and two guests,
went to Genting for one day trip...
So left me (zhang), wei ren, snail, and jun sian...

The reasons why we din go~~
Jun Sian: he said wan to study. So rajin~~
Wei Ren: Not being informed... Too bad~~
Snail: Tired + long travel distance... Reasonable answer~~
Me (Zhang) : Being informed, but it's too late. Juz received dai lou's msg today morning~~

Actually i duno it's good or bad for me to not following the trip to Genting...
Bcoz i lov to travel, especially with friends...
Even though i hav been to Genting for so so so many times...
However, if i follow them to Genting, i will die on Monday...
Bcoz i hav so many undone assignments waiting for me...

Thus, i duno it's good or bad for not following the trip...

Genting trip!!!

zzzz, i do hope that i am there but due to the time factor, i choose not to
I count for u all ya!!!
I need to drive to Genting which take me approximately 2 and half hours
then i need to drive back to my home(sekinchan) which take the same time also
Then i need to travel back to Subang......about 1 and half hour

So its 2.30+2.30+1.30=6.30
6 and a half hours are too much for me la....sleep better if it take so much of my time
Even if i go, i will be very tired also @_@
Hope u all enjoy the trip la, post the pic here ya!!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Home or Dorm?

From the first day i went into Ridzuan B13A08

I must sincerely say that i never consider it as a dormitory.
People might say:" well, are you in Dorm or are u at home now"

Seriously, i didnt separate it clearly because i tend to say
"i am at home now"(no matter where i was)
Then here comes a problem

When my mum call me and ask me where i was, i will say i am at home lo

"what? home?? i didnt see u here!!"
So, thats the problem, they thought i will never go back home again because i say my "dorm" as my "home".
Not because of the comfortable level of my bed back in Ridzuan
but its the relationship between us
Can u shout in ur unit everyday and every moment?
Can u close ur housemate light when he/she is in toilet?
Can u rush into any room of ur unit and pointed people with ur "gun"(thats what zhang usually do =_='')
Can u go and sleep in any one of seven bed in ur unit?
Can u go and type anything or use any laptops in ur unit?
Can u go to eat dinner with more than 4 peoples from ur unit?
Can u shout DIAM DIAM LA BUNG to anyone in ur unit?

Haha, pardon me if its wrong in some way

I am happy to have all chinese in my house
thats why i will call it home instead of dorm


After some heavy rain and storm in B13A08...
for some days, or even weeks...

At last, it's over...
It's considered over... (i think)

Hope tat there is a rainbow after the rain~~ ^^

In my next post in B13A08's blog,
i will tell u all about guests or new member in our unit...

I think it will be quite interesting... (again, i think)

Friday, April 25, 2008


chaos recently in B13A08...
Now it is over and hope everything goes back to its original state...
No more changes, no more conflicts ...
yeah, looking forward to the hopeful future.
Hope all the members of B13A08 feel good and wish u all do well in your studies
See u all in Canada....

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Free DAY!!!

Mr Hanna didnt come today
My class start at 8.00a.m. and end at 3.30pm as usual
My break will be start from 9.15a.m. to 2.15p.m.

Help me!!!!
I got four period break, what should i do?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Night stalker...

April 23, 2008

It is still early for most of our B13A08's members, except for Jing Hang.
He sleeps quite early sometimes, even at 11...
Overall, we are NIGHT STALKER.

Even though we manage to finish all the homework for the day before 12, we will never go to bed but hanging around the three rooms. What do we do?
hehe.... mapou(cantonese), talk about the news in Taylors, lecturers, and GIRLS. One thing that we never discuss during that time is STUDIES.
Like now, I juz finished my revision for the geometry test followed by one DOTA AI game... Haha....
Feel free but boring....

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


only the first day our blog got 160++ views...

tat shows how success our unit's blog is....
hope tat our unit members will continue post something...
dun juz "tao heng heng" (hokkien) lah~~

Monday, April 21, 2008


Most of the time i get irritated because my thinking process is interrupted by others,
especially when i am doing math and com science.

I may not be patient in that case,
so my friends,
juz bear with me with my bad habit.
Feel bad to stop my thinking process half way....
That's my feeling...

Another lovely THEM

Last but not least...
Another leng zai in our unit.
But contact number is not allowed!!!
The reason behind i will tell u all later....

Snail aka Lee Lung, true affair king, affair emperor(more powerful than jing hang)...
Origin: Sekinchan, Selangor
Famous quote: bu xing ah~, aiyo, ni men hor~
Speciality: The only social science guy in our unit: pratises his social skills always
A guy who always say he himself looks like Wu Zhun( although 20cm difference) and a famous artist (famous because of his leng zai-ness). Even though he always say that he is poor, he bought many branded sport accessaries, especially Nike and Addidas. And he is also a sporty guy, almost "shi ba ban wu yi, yang yang tong"(chinese). Besides, he doesn't eat vegetable and claims that it's because he "shang bei zi bei cai geng si" (chinese). Oh ya, why we say he is a affair king II?? Because, he already has a gf in his hometown. (Aside)Owww.... But, he is still very popular among girls. Oh, before i forget, his family background. His father is a farmer and his mom is a kindergarden's teacher. He is so close with his mom until he loves to tell others that his mom is sooooooooo cute and lovely.
Major field: Psychology

secondary notes..

Finally, i was able to finish my outline for the secondary notes.
few more weeks to suffer..

Lovely THEM

I dunno since when my mind came across the thought that one day i am gonna write about my housemate since we are so united and different from others
Here is it, all leng zai and u all can ask me for contact no. of them

Dailou aka Dota AI king
origin: Sibu, Sarawak
Famous quote: Diam diam la bunG(emphasize on G, a lot of Gsssss in his accent)
I am not sure since when his daily routine changed after he came here. He used to sleep around 9. From 9, he slowly adapted himself to sleep later and later. Now, he sleep around 2a.m.
"a nice guy, thats what other say"
He is the main power of our unit and we all respect him because he looks the oldest among us. Maybe people will think its a family gathering if we go out with him. Cause he looks a bit too mature. Dun get offended. Cause its true!! ;p
Anyway, he is the most brilliant Engineer in our unit and he drink water directly from the tap. Like to kanpao after he comes back from Kelantan. Wonder why.
Major field: Civil engineer

Jing Hang aka Affair king
Origin: Batu Pahat, Johor
Famous quote: SI, making a puke voice
A guy who stand as the richest man in this unit. Even though he didnt declare his family property to us, but his clothes and shoes betrayed him. He is the only guy who has a english educated background. His father used to be a lawyer but now retired as a lecturer in an unknown college.Very good in keeping secret. He only let us found out that he actually got a gf this semester. His hobby is driving his maid to get mountain water and take back home.(This shows how rich is he) He feels happy this few weekend cause there is quite noisy in the house. Oh ya, he is famous with his special posing when he take a picture.
Major field: chemical engineer

Jun Sian aka Kanaye Diago, Solo king, hentai King
origin: Jitra, Kedah
Famous quote: hen frust de lo (very frustrated one lo)
Get frustruated easily, he is quite well in last minute work. Even though
he didnt study a lot, he still manage to get high marks in exam. Fall in love easily and always solo-ing. Recently he only told me that he actually dun like solo but he need to because nobody have the same schedule with him. Blame who? Blame office lo. His father is a teachers trainer i think IPDA. He likes Maple story and everything about anime. Totally an anime fanatic, love everything single japan produced anime.
no anime, no life
Major field: chemical engineer

Kok Leong aka Flat king, solo king II
origin: Ipoh, Perak
Famous quote: cannot ar?
Likes to sing but always get scolded by dailou. talk in a flat tones and thats the reason why he get such nickname. Love cold jokes and like to write song. Easy to get sick and sometimes very sacarstic to people. Fanatic of WWE. Love anime also, but not as Jun Sian.
Major field: chemical engineer?

Back room
Wei ren aka DOta king, cb king
origin: Seremban, Negeri Sembilan
Famous quote: cb, lj, sohai
Extremely deep in love with dota, without dota or internet, he will feel frustruated on the spot. Owned a PSP even though he always say he dun have money. Like football and computer game very much. CAn get frustruated over a simple thing. Dun like success but love Salmon Steak instead. Yengk hairstyle. Tallest guy in the unit. ALso like to kanpao sometimes.
Major field: Electrical Engineer

Wei Zhang aka Friendster king, wretch king
origin: Klang, Selangor
Famous quote:jier, wakakaz, diao
Haivng crush on some girls but didnt make action last semester. The youngest guy in the unit. Not even over 18 years old. Ranked as the second rich guy in this unit. Love to play dota (he actually know nothing about dota before he came here). Fanatic of aeroplane and everything about flying object. ALways say himself is a lucky guy, describe himself as a famous cartoon character, akui. His father is a book seller while his mother is a primary school teacher. Owned a car and going to change his laptop before he fly to Canada. Like sport and Taekwondo.
Major field: aeronautical engineer


Dailou pro in many things..
for instance: dota 6.49 ai, zuma, but most importantly: kanpao and his bun

Congratez to Dailou

Dailou get 47.5 over 48 for the super hard computer science test.
I only get 24.. Haiz..

Inco-operative Hang~

Hang ah...
be more co-operative lah....

u r a future engineer leh...
hav to be able to co-operate wit others...

Wan Yi ah....
scold ur husband lah...
wakakaka~~ ^^


sienz keh


I am here, yengk
first post, next post from me will be everyone about B13A08


we have our own blog liao....
probabaly the first one and the only one among the JPA scholars who have their unit's blog...

The Power of B13A08~~

yeepee~~ at last!!!!

deng deng deng~~
our unit's blog is out... ^^
all the members are leng zai leh~~

if u wish to know more about the activities in B13A08,
remember this blog's address!!!
n visit often~~
wakakaka~~ Xp