Thursday, December 3, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
B13 A08 - 1 in UBC
Coz Kok Leong isn't here...
How is he now? I have no idea. Sorry yeah, dun blame me, really seldom msn with him.
Then how are we now, those other B13 A08's siao kiasss?
hmm, having final now. Sounds not so good, right? Anyway, we are looking forward to the coming 4-month summer holiday right after the exam rather than the exam itself.
As we have our dinner together, you can always hear someone among us says that: "ei, we will be able to go back to Malaysia after XX days..." It has been a trend here for everyone to have his own countdown and perhaps, watching the decreasing countdown is part of our daily entertainment now. I am not exaggerating, but it is the truth. 19 more days to go, dudes.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
B13 A08's attitude???
if got play laser tag?
(8:28 AM) sN@iL0810:
u will go?
(8:28 AM) LYS@卑斯大学:"y so serious??":
(8:28 AM) sN@iL0810:
(8:28 AM) sN@iL0810:
go kart also
(8:28 AM) LYS@卑斯大学:"y so serious??":
(8:29 AM) sN@iL0810:
mana tau bila
(8:29 AM) sN@iL0810:
u guys like always busy
(8:29 AM) sN@iL0810:
not busy then lasy
(8:29 AM) sN@iL0810:
(8:29 AM) sN@iL0810:
not lazy then sleepy
(8:29 AM) sN@iL0810:
not sleepy then moody
(8:29 AM) sN@iL0810:
not moody then GG
(8:29 AM) LYS@卑斯大学:"y so serious??":
true aso
Monday, December 8, 2008
Reflect on dailou post

Friday == Metrotown OR Richmond OR Nice food OR Dota OR Badminton
Fixed-interval schedule: Reinforces a response only after a specified time has elapsed
Sunday, December 7, 2008
psychology UBC
Really an ignored blog recently...
Where are all the B13A08's siao kiasssssss ???
6 of them including me is in UBC now and having final while our new solo king, Mr. Lee Kok Leong is now suffering in McMaster University...
What am I doing now ???
Studying PSYCHOLOGY!!!
I am now studying the topic of learning processes of humans which is also applicable to animals. Below are the basic definition of the terms those are going to be used in this post:-
Ø Unconditioned response – the unlearned, naturally occurring response to the unconditioned
stimulus, such as salivation when food is in the mouth.
Ø Unconditioned stimulus – stimulus that unconditionally, naturally triggers a response.
Ø Conditioned response – learned response to a previously neutral stimulus.
Ø Conditioned stimulus – originally irrelevant stimulus that, after association with an
unconditioned stimulus, comes to trigger a conditioned response.
Suddenly realize that final and exams are unconditioned stimulus to me with its unconditioned response of laziness. Since I am studying Calculus at the same time, I developed a formula:
Friday == Metrotown OR Richmond OR Nice food OR Dota OR Badminton
And the most impoprtant thing for Fridays is SLEEP as much as I like. Really suffering for sleep deprivation recently. According to psychologists, sleep deprivation causes impaired concentration, depresses immune system, and greater vulnerability to accident...
Saturday, August 2, 2008
I think it is just all of us have nothing much to share about our lives at homes after graduation...
I appreciate every moment with my family now although it is quite boring to be alone at home as all my sisters are busy preparing for their exam... sienz!!!
Really excited for the future arrival at UBC but at the same time reluctant to leave my family and friends here.
I know I am going to make a lot of friends in Canada but it is the place that I was born and where I grow up and therefore it will be the most precious piece of my memory. Nothing can ever replace it and I am going to miss this sweet land...
How are you, my friends? See u all in Canada or in airport perhaps if we take the same flight...
To B13A08's members, take care...
Monday, July 21, 2008
Vancouver beach
Wreck beach
wikipedia introduce it like this
Wreck Beach is one of the largest clothing-optional beaches in the world. It is part of Pacific Spirit Regional Park, which is in turn part of the University Endowment Lands just west of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The clothing optional section is clearly marked with signs and stretches approximately 6.5 km from Acadia Beach in the north, down to the Booming Grounds Creek on the north arm of the Fraser River. The park is administered by the Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD), though aboriginal claims are repeatedly asserted.
There is a naked beach beside UBC!!! Its just walks away from UBC actually!!!
but then its still clothing optional which means that you can actually choose to be naked or not to go to the beach.
here is the link, enjoy!